Wake Me Mommy!

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today my stomach aches

It twists and it burns

I shouldn’t have had the cakes

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I am so sick

Coughing my lungs out

Give your magic wand a flick

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I am at peace

In this strange land

With beautiful birds and bees

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I am a cosmonaut

Making my way through the stars

In this universe distraught

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I am a doctor

Healing wounds, saving people

This society’s integral factor

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I am an actor

Romancing, singing, dancing, fighting

Showing everyone my X-factor

Please! Don’t wake me up mommy

Today I have grown up

I can do my work by myself

Don’t anymore need your help

You can’t wake me up mommy

Today I am far away

Working aimlessly towards a mirage

In this world of hay

Please! Wake me up mommy

Today I had a nightmare

All my desires are lost

I just want you here

You can’t wake me up mommy

Today I have lost you

You have started a new journey

But I have to wake up daily for you

Our mom does everything she can for us. At first, when we are young we appreciate it, even look forward to it but as we grow older, we start seeing it as unnecessary. By the time we start craving that type of attention again, we no longer have her close by.

Enjoy the love while you can. Love her in return. UNCONDITIONALLY!!!

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